Account Period end Date 28/02 is not within 7 days of the expected Accounting Reference Date 29/02 currently held by Companies House. Submitting with the Account Period End Date 28/02 will result in a rejection from Companies House.
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Account Period end Date 28/02 is not within 7 days of the expected Accounting Reference Date 29/02 currently held by Companies House. Submitting with the Account Period End Date 28/02 will result in a rejection from Companies House.
Created Date
30th November 2022
IRIS Accountancy Suite, IRIS Accounts Production
Account Period end Date 28/02 is not within 7 days of the expected Accounting Reference Date 29/02 currently held by Companies House. Submitting with the Account Period End Date 28/02 will result in a rejection from Companies House.

This error message appears when submitting accounts with a February accounting period end date. This causes a conflict in the system due to a leap year resulting in the error message above.
Click ‘Yes’ to continue and proceed to submit to Companies House. Ignore the rejection warning.
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