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Business Tax- 3001 3304 Original return already received for this period

Article ID


Article Name

Business Tax- 3001 3304 Original return already received for this period

Created Date

23rd December 2022



IRIS Business Tax- 3001 3304 Original return return already received for this period



This warning is coming from HMRC- they have already received an online submission. This may also occur right after a HMRC Gateway busy/pending issue where they actually did receive that initial submission.

We advise users to contact HMRC and get them to void that submitted return on their server (which is blocking your latest return). Once they have done this, regenerate as New and submit to HMRC.


Regenerate the tax return as an Amended return and submit that instead. However if you get a warning that the original was not submitted then you need to contact HMRC to void it.

Depending on your timescale – users may find it longer trying to contact HMRC to void the original.

HMRC rules on how far back you can submit a online submission – if you exceed the timescale you will need to contact HMRC

2 years back for amended
4 years back for new returns

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