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Business Tax- AP code 90 'Sundry' but shows as add back profit in BT

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Business Tax- AP code 90 'Sundry' but shows as add back profit in BT

Created Date

17th August 2022



IRIS Business Tax- Used AP code 90 'Sundry' for Other Income but shows as add back profit in BT


You have several options:
1) Edit, Business Tax Accounts, find the code 90 under one of the categories and delete it (if code 90 can be found). It wont delete it from AP, it just wont use it in BT.
2) Ask the AP team to recommend using a different code and not 90 eg use a no description code for this entry in AP
3) If you want to keep code 90 in AP and not change it, then in BT: Editing / Postings / choose a category / Specific postings – to reduce/remove the incorrect value which is coming from code 90 on your tax comp. Do a test to see the results in BT by using this method.

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