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Business Tax: Enter Bank details and Sort code

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Business Tax: Enter Bank details and Sort code

Created Date

11th August 2021



IRIS Business Tax: Where to enter bank details for a repayment (Example for a loss carry back)


  1. Load the client and the relevant period in BT
  2. Data Entry
  3. Overpayments and Repayment claims
  4. Bank details and Payments to Person
  5. Click ‘Bank Details’ and New
image 9 | Business Tax: Enter Bank details and Sort code
  1. Click the magnifying glass and either find a existing bank or create new one (Step 7)
image 10 | Business Tax: Enter Bank details and Sort code
  1. Click New and fill in the details and sort code and OK. Highlight the newly created bank and click ‘Select’
image 11 | Business Tax: Enter Bank details and Sort code
  1. Fill in the account number and name etc. Then Ok, select the bank again and click ‘Select’. The Bank details form will now be populated.
image 12 | Business Tax: Enter Bank details and Sort code

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