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Business Tax- R&D SME HOTFIX release DEC 2024

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Business Tax- R&D SME HOTFIX release DEC 2024

Created Date

18th December 2024



IRIS Business Tax- R&D SME HOTFIX release DEC 2024


This IRIS hotfix resolves these three issues where:

a) R&D SME extra tick boxes are missing,

b) Company losses do not appear and its not giving any tax credits,

c) You make an Expenditure value entry and its not auto populating the rest of the boxes.

  1. Please ensure you already on IRIS version 24.3.2 version first, close down your IRIS completely (as its like a normal IRIS update) and install this HOTFIX LINK here
  2. If you are Hosted/working from a server then get your IT team to install the HOTFIX above onto it. Ensure you are already on IRIS version 24.3.2 version
  3. You will need to ‘accept the agreement’ pop up for it to begin and should be quick to install.
  4. Your IRIS version WILL NOT CHANGE and remain at 24.3.2. You may want to keep a note you/or your IT have installed this R&D hotfix.
  5. Once updated – please remove all ‘Expenditure’ entries and manual entries so nothing shows on the SME screens, then close and restart IRIS, load BT and now enter the ‘Expenditure’ entries again etc and check the values are populating again.
  6. If you cannot access the HOTFIX link then contact Support and we can send you the hotfix link via the Community FILES section.

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