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Error 3001 and 0 in accounts Charity CT600 filing

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Error 3001 and 0 in accounts Charity CT600 filing

Created Date

21st July 2022




HMRC errors | Error 3001 and 0 in accounts Charity CT600 filing

When filing a charity return the error 0 in accounts appears.

This is a defect within the software and will be fixed in version 22.2.0.


You will need to clear the mapping on the duplicate tags on the SOFA under charitable activities including the narrative.

To do this, you need to click on the tag error and on the right-hand side above the concept label there is an icon with a red cross click this to clear mapping.

If this is greyed out, you will need to take the accounts into the tag editor and resolve.

You may also get a charity funds tag error which you will need to take into the tag editor:

  1. Reports| Annual| IXBRL- see SOFA- charitable activities line
  2. IRIS logo| Save as- save to a suitable location
  3. Administration| iXBRL editor| load an external IRIS file- locate saved file
  4. SOFA- clear tags for bought forward funds
  5. Reports tab- Validate| Finalise| Create submission

Once you have made the necessary changes there will be a further tag error for the Small companies regime statement.

You will need to amend this statement in the Balance sheet to read:

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with and delivered in accordance with the special provisions applicable to small charitable companies subject to the small companies regime.

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