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Fixed Asset Register is not depreciating correctly

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Fixed Asset Register is not depreciating correctly

Created Date

25th July 2024



IRIS Fixed Asset Register is not depreciating correctly


IRIS Fixed Asset Register is calculating the depreciation on the Cost figure instead of the net book value.

For Example, Motor Vehicle Cost £60,125, residual £26,393 in 4 years and applying it on a straight line basis. so therefore, the software should calculate the following: – Deprecation figure of £8,433 ((£60125-£26393)/4).

However, Entering these values in FAR it provides a depreciation figure of £15,031.25 being £60,125 x 25%. 

WORKAROUND: – To adjust the FAR calculation, you will need a manual depreciation rate of 14.026% created and used for this particular asset (£8,433 / £60,125). This will need to be added in Accounts Production.

This has been confirmed as a DEFECT within the software IRIS Version, and will be fixed in the Autumn release Version 24.3. 

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