Personal Tax- 3001 6591 Capital Gains Tax box [CAL5] does not agree with the calculated value of +/-£x value
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Personal Tax- 3001 6591 Capital Gains Tax box [CAL5] does not agree with the calculated value of +/-£x value
Created Date
14th October 2011
IRIS Personal Tax
3001 6591 in hd:GovTalkMessage[1]/hd:Body[1]/MTR:IRenvelope[1]/MTRThe Capital Gains Tax Due amount entered in box [CAL5] does not agree with the calculated value of +‚-£x value. The difference is -+‚-£X value. Please check.
3001 6591 is a general HMRC warning that you have a Capital gain/share entry where a value entry or tick is not permitted by HMRC. Please review all the capitals gains/shares relevant for the year you are on.
- This can occur where foreign tax credit relief has been claimed on a capital gain but the foreign tax credit relief screen has not been completed correctly. This screen must be completed to show the amount of gain under UK and foreign rules.
- You cannot claim more FTCR (Foreign tax credit relief) than the amount of Capital Gain Tax due. You will need to review and edit that entry.
- Please check all the asset/shares and other capital gain entries to see if there is a option which shouldn’t be ticked. Untick it and regenerate the return again. For example Edit | Capital Assets | Assets | Highlight any of the properties | Edit | Magnifying glass next to Land and Property | Untick ‘Liable to non-resident CGT’ | Press ‘OK’. OR you may need to untick the ‘business asset’ box.
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