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Error Message Attaching the MDF and LDF files

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Error Message Attaching the MDF and LDF files

Created Date

5th July 2012



Database [Database_Name] cannot be upgraded because it is read-only or has read-only files When trying to attach a databases on a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance. The database files were copied over the network and located on a drive on a standalone PC. When trying to attach the databases the following error message occurred: Msg 3415, Level 16, State 3, Line 1 Database [database_name] cannot be upgraded because it is read-only or has read-only files. Make the database or files writeable, and rerun recovery. Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Could not open new database [database_name]. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.


IRIS Support recommends that your restore from your last good backup. If a good backup is not available following the steps below may help to resolve the problem.
  • Check the permissions of the database files and ensured that they are not read-only.
  • Give full access to “Everyone” on all the database files you want to attach
  • Once attached successfully remove the full access from the “Everyone” entity and so everything is set back to normal.

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