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Important: iXBRL Accounts presentation on the Companies House public record.

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Important: iXBRL Accounts presentation on the Companies House public record.

Created Date

5th November 2012


IRIS Accounts Production


iXBRL Accounts presentation on the Companies House public record.


When Companies House receive the iXBRL accounts submission they convert the accounts into an image file (a tiff file). This process produces a paginated version of the HTML to be available on the public record and as part of this process inserts fixed margins onto each page to then insert the content of the HTML. This can result in the presentation of the image that Companies House systems create, being slightly different to how the report would be displayed in HTML format in a web browser. The presentation differences that can occur are:
  1. Sentences wrapping at different points compared to how they wrap in the HTML version viewed in IRIS or opened in a web browser.
  2. Sentences breaking onto new lines where they wouldn’t in the HTML version viewed in IRIS or opened in a web browser.
These differences will be more noticeable where the margins specified manually in IRIS are very small or very large, as the size of the text contained in HTML accounts that IRIS creates, will vary more from the fixed margins that Companies House will apply to the image. This can result in the presentation of the image that Companies Houses’ systems produce, being slightly different to how the report would be displayed in HTML format in a web browser. If using the default font and margins settings in IRIS these differences are minimised. NOTE: The default font and margin settings in IRIS are: Font: Times New Roman = 10 Margins: Top and Bottom = 11.99 Margins: Left and Right = 20

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