This App Cannot Run On This PC
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Article Name
This App Cannot Run On This PC
Created Date
16th January 2014
After Downloading an IRIS Update the following error occurs when trying to run This App Cannot Run On This PC To find a version for this PC, check with the software publisher
This error occurs because the download is not the correct size. It is advised that the file is deleted and then downloaded again.
It is usually due to Antivirus software corrupting the file as it downloads to your computer, this prevents our installer from running and gives you error message stated above.
To get around this message:
1. Turn off Antivirus Software temporarily. (usually you will have the option to choose a certain amount of minutes, we would recommend around 15 minutes)
2. Download our installer file while Antivirus is switched off. (this allows the file to download without corrupting)
3. Now you will be able to run our installer file without the error message showing and your Antivirus should switch itself back on soon.
If your Antivirus software does not have the function of temporarily disabling for a time period, then simply turn it off, download the installer and turn it back on again manually.
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