How to determine the Package Limit currently in use?
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How to determine the Package Limit currently in use?
Created Date
24th November 2015
IRIS Accounts Production
Am I able to find out my package limit for Accounts Production and the number I have used?
In order to determine the number of licences in use
From the menu select Help | About then select the Accounts Production tab,
This will specify the Client Limit, the numver number of clients using charts and the number remaining.
To view a list of clients attached to each chart
Click Setup | Accounts Chart
Select the Chart, for example ELTD and the select Clients using charts.
Select ‘Yes’ to view the clients using the chart.
NOTE: The Package Limit does not count the number of businesses set up, but those clients with a posting file. Every business that has used the posting screen will have a posting file (the posting file holds every years postings entries).