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How do I generate the EH06 form - 'Update to members’ info on public register?

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How do I generate the EH06 form - 'Update to members’ info on public register?

Created Date

14th October 2016


IRIS Company Secretarial


How do I generate the EH06 form - ' Update to members’ information on the central (public) register?


From Version 16.3 which is now available to download from our website, users are now able to generate and electronically file the EH06 form to Companies House through IRIS. From the IRIS Company Secretarial module 1. Select – Edit | Location of records 2. Tick – Register of members at Companies House 3. Tick – All the members have assented to the election 4. Select applicable option between Overseas branch registers have been discontinued and all entries transferred to the company register of members / Single member company 5. Select – Date this applied from | OK | OK | Log

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