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What are Filleted accounts?

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What are Filleted accounts?

Created Date

22nd December 2016


IRIS Accounts Production


What are Filleted accounts?


The phrase ‘Filleted accounts’ has been adopted (by the industry) to refer to the financial statements which can be submitted to Companies House (the “Registrar”) under s444 of the Companies Act 2006. Companies that opt (under s444) not to file a profit and loss account (and related notes) and/or directors’ report to the registrar are said to be filing “filleted” accounts. While the option to only submit a balance sheet (and related note) to the registrar has always been available under CA 2006, the existence of Abbreviated accounts meant the use of this section was limited. However with the abolition of Abbreviated accounts, submitting accounts to the registrar under s444 e.g. Filleted accounts will become commonplace. For more information on preparing accounts for the registrar within Accounts Production please refer to the How to Guide: How to create a set of Accounts for the Registrar and/or Abridged Accounts within the IRIS Help Centre Please refer to KB IAS 12365 for details on the difference between “Filleted” accounts and “Abridged” accounts. The following links also provide useful information: accounts advice for small-companies . filing options FAQs .

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