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FRS 102 - Statement of Income and Retained Earnings

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FRS 102 - Statement of Income and Retained Earnings

Created Date

3rd May 2017


IRIS Accounts Production


How do i produce a single Statment of Income and Retained Earnings under FRS 102


FRS 102 6.4 permits the inclusion of a single statement of income and retained earning where the only changes in equity are profit or loss, payments of dividends, corrections of prior periods material errors and changes in accounting policy. A small company is not required to produce such a statement but encouraged to do so. To replace the Profit & Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, shown as the single Statement of Income and Retained earnings within v17.3.0 go to the following: Edit | Data Screens | Profit and Loss Accounts | Options | FRS 102 – Options | Tick the box to present a Statement of Income and Retained Earnings.

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