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What is the Quick Accounts List and how do I use it?

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What is the Quick Accounts List and how do I use it?

Created Date

15th February 2005


IRIS Accounts Production


What is the Quick Accounts List and how do I use it?


The quick accounts list is intended to make it easier to find the correct codes to use for a particular client. There are two parts to this list: a) Quick list – this is a short list of commonly used codes. It is possible to amend this list at either client or chart level to suit your practice or copy the list from a different client or chart. b) Recent list – this shows the codes that have already been used by this client (within the last two years). It will update as new postings are made. Select Refresh to update new posting changes. It is also possible to print out either of these two lists or a combined list. To print or edit the list at client level select Edit | Quick Account List, or at chart level Setup | Accounts Chart | Amend Chart | Quick account list. To access the quick lists whilst in the posting screen click on the magnifying glass against the account code field (or Alt + F1). This will show the full accounts chart, the quick list and the recent list on different tabs. Remember to use the Hide groups tick box if you just wish to see the accounts/subaccounts. By selecting Edit | Quick Accounts List the Quick List can be amended on different clients Defaults: Selecting Defaults reverts the list back to its original default state. It generates the message Revert back to defaults? If yes is selected then any amendments to the list will be lost, and the Quick List will be restored to its default state for this client. Print: Selecting Print displays the Quick Accounts List reports output screen, a selections must be made to where the report will go. e.g. Printer or Screen Copy: This is used to copy a Quick List from another client on an enhanced chart. The Quick list on the client which is being amended will be replaced and overwritten by the Quick List on the client selected to copy from. Add: Select Add to add account codes from the full list of accounts into the Quick List. This enables the user to add more codes into the standard default list and tailor it for specific clients. Remove: Any account codes can be removed from the Quick List, this again is for the purpose of tailoring the quick list for suitability on certain clients and to remove codes selected in error. Please Note: the Quick Accounts List is only available on Enhanced Charts.

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