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How Do I Post Personal Expenses on the EMED Doctors Chart?

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How Do I Post Personal Expenses on the EMED Doctors Chart?

Created Date

2nd November 2005


IRIS Accounts Production


How Do I Post Personal Expenses on the EMED Doctors Chart?


To post Personal Expenses on the EMED chart, please foolw the below: Post the credit to the personal expense accounts for the relevant partner in account 470/99. Post the debit to the relevant sub account in account 471. The partner to which the debit entry relates is identified by their sub account number. For example, to post personal motor expenses for partner number 1: Cr account 470/98*1 (Personal expenses – partner number 1) Dr account 472/1*1 (Motor expenses – partner number 1) Please refer to the EMED chart for more information.

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