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How do I show Secured Debts - ELTD Chart?

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How do I show Secured Debts - ELTD Chart?

Created Date

9th November 2005


IRIS Accounts Production


How do I Show Secured Debts - ELTD Chart? This client screen is used for Limited companies. Select : Edit / Data Screens / Notes to Financial Statements / Balance Sheet Items / Creditors / Secured Debts


If an analytical breakdown of secured debts is required it can be achieved by entering a tick against items to be disclosed and/or entering items in the freeform lines for any creditors not immediately identifiable as secured. If the amount is a debit, prefix the figure with a – sign. If the amount is a credit the user does not need to prefix the figure with a sign. Entering a tick against the following subheadings will include the balance on the account numbers shown on the table below in the note. Sub heading Account numbers Debentures Bank Overdrafts 839 to 848 692 to 711 Bank loans Other Loans: 849 to 858 1st account 869, 875, 881, 887, 893 2nd account 3rd account 4th account 5th account 6th account 870, 876, 882, 888, 894 871, 877, 883, 889, 895 872, 878, 884, 890, 896 873, 879, 885, 891, 897 874, 880, 886, 892, 898 Hire purchase etc in group 741 909 to 920 This will appear as the last creditors note. Nature of Security Enter in this text box the nature of any security.

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