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PSA report with ICAEW Audit 01/05 wording - Accountants' Report - Certificate D

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PSA report with ICAEW Audit 01/05 wording - Accountants' Report - Certificate D

Created Date

25th April 2006


IRIS Accounts Production


It has been reported that when generating a PSA report with ICAEW Audit 01/05 wording - Accountants' Report - Certificate D, the following error message appears: REPORT INFORMATION: ABANDONED: Your choice of accountants' report D using Audit 01/05 wording is not suitable for this report.


Option D should only legitimately be used in conjunction with a PSN report. Select, Edit | Data Screens | Reports | Accountants’ Report The ICAEW wording specifically states “we have compiled the financial statements of [Business name] which comprises the Profit and Loss Account, the Balance Sheet and the related notes”. Report PSI is used for Income and Expenditure & PSA does not include notes, so unless the wording is reviewed, it would not be suitable to include it within these reports

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