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How do I show the registered number on the FLY sheet?

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How do I show the registered number on the FLY sheet?

Created Date

4th May 2006


IRIS Accounts Production


How do I show the registered number on the FLY sheet, for a Limited set of accounts?


In order to set the alias at Client Level (for one client only) Select, Edit | Report Aliases – In the Standard box enter FLY. In the Client Specific box enter FLC | Select OK – Click Cancel to close. To set the alias at Chart Level (all clients attached to a specific chart) Select, Setup | Accounts Charts | select the chart the client is using | Amend | select Output report (FDF) – chart aliases. NOTE: If you wish to show the accountants name at the bottom of the FLY sheet as well set alias FLY = FLO Alias $FG = $FH (in conjunction with FLY = FLO) will swap the clients name and report title round so the business name is shown above the report title.

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