How to complete P11D section M, box 15 - other items
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How to complete P11D section M, box 15 - other items
Created Date
12th March 2008
IRIS Personal Tax
How can figures be entered into section M, box 15 for other items?
Users are required to:
1. Log on to the P11D module, select the relevant employer, click on the employee.
2. From the Edit menu, select Employment benefits.
3. To complete the first box for benefits which are subject to class 1a NIC, use benefit numbers 0, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18 or 28 and ensure that the class 1a NIC box is enabled.
4. To complete the second box for benefits which are not subject to class 1a NIC, use the benefit numbers listed in step 3 and ensure that the class 1a NIC is disabled.
5. To complete the third box, use benefit number 25.
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