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How do I get my Cash Flow Statement to balance?

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How do I get my Cash Flow Statement to balance?

Created Date

7th April 2008


IRIS Accounts Production


How do I get my Cash Flow Statement to balance?


A Cash Flow Statement produced by IRIS is likely to be produced with errors showing an in-balance. The in-balance is caused by missing cash movements that are not possible for IRIS to include due to the variety of needs for some accounts. In order to help find the required movements select Reports | Multiple Year Trial Balance. This should then be used in conjunction with the Cash Flow Statement Quick Guide (which lists items for consideration) and Interactive Example Report (which indicates where each figure on the Cash Flow Statement resides from), both of which can be found within Accounts Production via Help | Help | Quick Guides | Cash Flow Statement and Help | Help | Example Reports | Interactive Example Reports | Cash Flow Statement, respectively. Once the required cash movements have been identified they should be entered into the appropriate data screens via Edit | Data Screens | Cash Flow Statement (as per the Cash Flow Statement Fact Sheet and Interactive Report). Alternatively postings may need to be amended. Note: An exception report may also be produced. This will state entries that MUST be made into the data screens (Debtors and Creditors) in respect of the Cash Flow Statement.

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