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IRIS Keytime Data Manager

Article ID


Article Name

IRIS Keytime Data Manager

Created Date

23rd January 2021


IRIS Keytime Practice Manager, IRIS Trust Tax, IRIS Keytime Accounts Production, IRIS Keytime Corporation Tax, IRIS Keytime Personal Tax


Usage of Data Manager to change Keytime data paths/location


To use Data manager, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Right click on the PM icon on your desktop
  2. Select Open File Location
  3. Within that folder double click and open ‘Datamanager.exe’
image 88 | IRIS Keytime Data Manager
  • Use the Browse button to navigate to your Keytime Data folder
image 89 | IRIS Keytime Data Manager
Once you have selected the data folder using the browse button, the rest of the fields are automatically populated
  • Click Save when done, if there are errors then the following message will appear:
image 91 | IRIS Keytime Data Manager

If this message appears, this means that you may have selected the wrong directory, reselecting the correct data path will not produce any errors and you may then safely close.

For further assistance, contact Support.

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