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P11D- Missing/Blank details with Employee/Director with 2 JOBS

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P11D- Missing/Blank details with Employee/Director with 2 JOBS

Created Date

2nd June 2023




IRIS P11D- Missing/Blank details with Employee/Director with 2 JOBS


When you generate a P11D but the employee/director etc details and benefits are not showing/missing/blank on the form. They may have 2+ jobs set up on the P11D.

1.Load the company and the relevant year.

2. Select the employee/director on the left side of the P11D- if they have 2 or more JOBS (shows as Job 1 and Job 2 etc ) then you need to remove the excess jobs- so only 1 job remains, then the details will show on the P11D etc. If you have benefit entries etc under the multiple jobs then ensure the benefits exists under the one remaining job you are keeping.

3. Personal details / related / involvements and – look for 2 or more roles under the person name – view and then delete one of the two roles (by adding in a PAST to date) . You will have to decide which one to keep and which to delete and you need to remember what entries was entered for both jobs.
Once deleted- make sure the remaining job has all the benefits and entries etc under the one job.

There is no other way around this and you would need to delete/suppress one of the jobs.

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