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Personal Tax- 3001 6449 Amount in box (FSE79) exceeds (FSE77) minus (FSE78)

Article ID


Article Name

Personal Tax- 3001 6449 Amount in box (FSE79) exceeds (FSE77) minus (FSE78)

Created Date

7th November 2022



IRIS Personal Tax- 3001 6449 Amount in box (FSE79) exceeds (FSE77) minus (FSE78)


image 10 | Personal Tax- 3001 6449 Amount in box (FSE79) exceeds (FSE77) minus (FSE78)

What ‘FSE’ means = Full Self Employment

3001 6449: please check what you entered in Self Employment for loss carry back- you have a incorrect entry not permitted by HMRC
Read the steps for loss carry back:

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