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Personal/Business Tax- Enter CIS Deductions

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Personal/Business Tax- Enter CIS Deductions

Created Date

16th August 2021


IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Business Tax


IRIS Personal/Business Tax- Where to enter CIS Deductions?


In Personal Tax

1. Load the client and select correct year

2. On the left side: TPV, STP, open the relevant accounting period

3. If a sole trade – Adjustments, losses and overlap tax | enter at the bottom of screen CIS. This will show on the Schedules of Data and on the Self employment tax pages.

4. If a partnership – Tax and taxed income  | enter at the bottom of screen CIS25.

In Business Tax

Data Entry | Calculation | Calculation of tax outstanding or overpaid | Income tax deducted from gross income box 515

If a Partnership: Trades | Partnerhsip | Override Return Totals | Values For Tax Year – tick CIS25 deductions

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