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Personal Tax- Payments on account year XX are not necessary as more than 80% of tax due has been deducted from source

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Personal Tax- Payments on account year XX are not necessary as more than 80% of tax due has been deducted from source

Created Date

16th November 2022



IRIS Personal Tax- Payments on account year XX are not necessary as more than 80% of tax due has been deducted from source shows on Tax comp


If you get this message on the tax comp:

image 26 | Personal Tax- Payments on account year XX are not necessary as more than 80% of tax due has been deducted from source

This message appears if the tax deducted at source figure on the computation is more than 80% of the tax due figure.

Therefore the only way to remove this or test this, would be to reduce/remove the tax deducted at source figures and/or reduce expense claim values entered into the software. If you do not want to do this, then the payments on accounts are not required and the message will remain on the computation.

If you do not want to show this message: then save this Tax Comp as a Word file and edit out the line.

You believe its not more than 80%: No payments on account are required in respect of Capital gains tax or Student Loan repayments, Capital gains tax and student loan repayments are excluded from the computation of payments on account. So any capital gains tax or Student Loan repayment is simply payable as part of the balancing payment on 31 January following the tax year.Also if you have manually reduced the payments on account to £0 then this can be a cause of the message.

Why is one comp showing no POA due and the other is showing £XXX POA. and Both computations show tax is less than 80% paid at source as well? If property related, the Relief from finance costs figure should be taken into consideration when working out the 80% figure. PT will take the remaining tax liability over and above the tax deducted at source and calculates POA. This does include the reduction in liability as a result of relief for finance costs.

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