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Personal Tax- Period Reform 2024: Capital allowances and Balancing Charge are not being deducted from the profit/loss transitional part

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Personal Tax- Period Reform 2024: Capital allowances and Balancing Charge are not being deducted from the profit/loss transitional part

Created Date

3rd July 2024



IRIS Personal Tax- Capital allowances are not being deduced from the profit/loss transitional part on the trade computation


IRIS Personal Tax is currently not deducting the capital allowances/balancing charge from the profit/loss transitional part on the trade computation, which then shows incorrect on the tax computation and self-assessment return. This is also causing an incorrect calculation on class NIC4.

This has been confirmed as a DEFECT within the software IRIS Version, and will be fixed upcoming version 24.2. Which is due to be released week commencing 29th July 2024 (subject to change).

Unfortunately, there is no work around available so our apologies on this. 

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