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Personal Tax- R40 missing Trust UTR code on Box 4.1 Page 2

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Personal Tax- R40 missing Trust UTR code on Box 4.1 Page 2

Created Date

25th May 2023



IRIS Personal Tax- R40 missing Trust UTR code on Box 4.1 Page 2


R40 form updated May 2024– The R40 form will be updated with the latest HMRC version in Summer 24.2.0 (Date TBC)

The Trust UTR is not showing on R40 Box 4.1, this is because you may have two or more entries in Trusts settlements and estates | (for example) Income chargeable at settlors, if more than 2 trusts are entered, then no UTR will show on 4.1.

Check if you have multiple entries under the other trust types as well.


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