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Trust Tax: Invalid data entry 'Additional information' OR 'Description'

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Trust Tax: Invalid data entry 'Additional information' OR 'Description'

Created Date

16th August 2021



IRIS Trust Tax: Invalid data entry 'Additional information' OR 'Description' element is invalid - according to data type - less than min length


On the Left side: Income, Capital gains and Dividends, Capital Assets – check the Asset and Disposal screens
1) Check the content of all text information cells – it must not too too long and no special characters are used
2) Check the ‘Claim relief’ tick box – this has a restricted character limit – reduce the length of the content.
3) If you need to declare the the full text content – Capital assets, Edit, Losses and Other info and tick Additional info – enter the text.

4) If you cannot find the issue on steps 1 and 2, then on the left side of Trust tax – check all entries and Additional information boxes. For example: Trust, Charity, check all the entries under each heading – do not use special characters or reduce the length of content.

image 28 | Trust Tax: Invalid data entry 'Additional information' OR 'Description'

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