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What do the new session control features do?

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What do the new session control features do?

Created Date

17th May 2022



What functions do the new session control features do in IRIS Accountancy Suite


If you have activated the new session control features in 22.1.628 but you aren’t sure on what the new functions do, then please see the below explanations.

image 4 | What do the new session control features do?
  • END  ​

This will end the session, without informing the user. ​

  • Suspend​

This will suspend the session and the user is informed and given the option to allow suspension or cancel the suspension.​

  • Remove​

This will end the session.  The user is informed and given an option to allow the session to end or to cancel the request.​

  • Message ​

This will send a message to the session/s selected or ALL active sessions.

If you wish to activate these new features then please click here for further information.

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