Knowledge Base Articles

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2973 articles



I'm resending an FPS but this time my leavers don't show up

This is correct as per the HMRC specification. Once the details of a leaver have been successfully sent to the…



How to produce a P45 under RTI

In terms of the payroll cycle the process would be:• Enter Variations• Calculate Payroll• Produce reports (Summaries, Payslips, Pensions, etc.)•…


Earnie, IRIS Payroll Professional

Default Login Details

There are two modes for the software payroll and admin. The default login details are as follows: Earnie Payroll Name:…


IRIS GP Accounts

How to Enter New Authorisation Code - IRIS GP Accounts

Go to "Help" > "About" > "Enter Authorisation Code" The new expiry date must be entered as well as the…


IRIS GP Payroll

Correcting Errors RTI - Wrong employee pay sent on FPS

If you have processed the wrong pay for an employee and sent this on an FPS there are few things…


IRIS Earnie IQ

How do I process a salary sacrifice deduction?

Salary sacrifice deductions are gross pay deductions that give the employee relief on tax and NI contributions. Commonly these are…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll

How do I update my licence details?

Under normal usage, the system will connect to our Auto Update server each time you start payroll. As a part…


IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie

How do I update my licence details?

With your renewal you will have received a PIN number. You need to record this new PIN in the admin…



Reporting "No Employees Paid in Future Periods" on EPS

The EPS can send to HMRC notification that no employee are due to be paid in a PAYE scheme for…


IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie

No SSP paid to employee using absence diary

Entering the absence in the diary looks as normal: but when you go to process pay no SSP is showing:…