Knowledge Base Articles

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2946 articles


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

System Failure. The submission of the document has failed due to an internal system error; Empty Error Response from Government Gateway; An error occurred while attempting to communicate with the Government Gateway

This error indicates HMRC gateway service is experiencing problems receiving, processing or responding to your RTI submission, not a problem with your…


IRIS OpenSpace

IRIS OpenSpace Issue unable to view and upload files in sub folders

You and your client can view all files in OpenSpace still but using the dashboard screen instead by clicking on…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll

Using Copy Company option with IRIS HR Integration

To reset the HR integration link: 1. Go to Company | Configure 2. This will open the HR Integration Configuration…


IRIS GP Accounts

Networking GP Accounts

For networking to work successfully all your required machines must be running the latest version of the software.  To check…


IRIS Bureau Payroll

Employee AE History

Where can I access the Employee AE History The Employee AE History is accessed from the "Pension Tab" : Viewing…


IRIS GP Accounts

GP Accounts Bank Reconciliation Tips

Click here to download an interactive video tutorial. Recovery Point If you keep a regular recovery point you can restore…


IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie

Backing up and restoring data

The Backup and restore options can be found in "File" > "Back up & Restore": Back-up Company Data Select the…


Earnie, IRIS Payroll Professional

Paying holiday pay

Paying Holiday Pay Holiday pay is assigned to employees on the "Do/Redo Payroll" screen. Click on the holiday button down…


PTP TR - How to make a manual entry for balancing charge for capital allowances: box 26 in the self-employment(short) or box 59 in the self-employment (full)

Please do the following:- Go into Tax Platform - View the Individual Tax Return - Go into page 2 - Click on…


AML - What is the process of data to be destroyed

1) Highlight the relevant Client 2) Click on the 'Open' button 3) Click on the 'Other Info' tab and remove the…