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IRIS Business Tax Knowledge Base

182 articles


IRIS Business Tax

Short accounting period/CTAP and first year allowances not being restricted

According to Tolley's Tax Computations the first year allowance, unlike the WDA, is a flat rate and should not be…


IRIS Business Tax

Error 5012 in UTR

The UTR must be numeric and be a maximum of ten characters. Users are required to enter the company's UTR…


IRIS Business Tax

The client cannot be found/registered within the Business Tax module

Users are required to: 1. Log on to IRIS Business Tax 2. Go to Client | Select 3. Set the…


IRIS Business Tax

Error 5012 in Box 1

The revenue directs that you cannot have a negative figure for turnover. If you have a negative turnover figure, go…


IRIS Business Tax

Period setup incorrectly and wrong dates on the computation

From the Client menu select View and make sure that the incorporated/trading commenced/ceased dates are correct. If the incorporated date…


IRIS Business Tax

How to show a loan taken out by a director within the current account period

Users are required to ensure that the latest version if IRIS has been installed then: 1. Log on to IRIS…


IRIS Business Tax

How do I force a full partnership return?

1. Go to Data Entry (On the left hand side of the screen), Trading and Professional Income and select Business…


IRIS Business Tax

Menu options have been disabled due to a date conflict.

This error message occurs where a partnership or LLP has a period of 5days or less. This is an Iris…


IRIS Business Tax

My Partnership data entry is not being saved after a change has been made to it.

1. From the Trades menu select Partnerships, Overwrite/Leave Alone. 2. Enable No - Leave Alone, click OK. 3. Go back…


IRIS Business Tax

A negative values warning is being generated when refreshing to personal tax

In order to change the Business Tax mappings users are required to: 1. Go to Reports | Self Assessment Details…