Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2946 articles


Adding a new director on the new client browser

To add a new director go to: 1. Edit | Director/Secretary | New 2. click on the magnifying glass next…


XBRL Deployment failed for Server with a response code of [-532462766]...

Install .NET 4.7 Ensure C++ 2015 and C++ 2017 are installed (both x86 and x64).You can download both versions of…


FRS 105 iXBRL tag error: director signing directors report has dimension company

1. Go to Posting / Post File Maintenance / Entries > highlight the current year and click Change > Change…


IRIS Personal Tax

IAS-12779 - ClientIRSubmission Create Failed! Boolean Create int32

To resolve your issue you need to install the SQL CLR Types from Microsoft SQL Server Feature Packs. You will…


IRIS P11D Organiser

P11D continuation sheet for section B, L, M and N not showing figures

This was a known issue that was fixed in version 18.1.1 of IRIS This is a visual error only- The…


IRIS Business Tax

Jointly held properties are not apportioning relief for finance costs

This issue has been fixed in the Service Pack. Please download Version 18.1.1 from the website


IRIS Practice Management

Unhandled Exception when uploading multiple documents to OpenSpace

This call is currently logged to the product development team. In the meantime the workaround is to upload the documents…


How to remove the Detailed Balance Sheet from FRS 105 accounts?

To remove the Detailed Balance Sheet / Detailed Statement of Financial Posiition from FRS 105 accounts go to: Edit /…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax: Claim private usage for Capital Allowances - Sole Trader and Partnerships

To claim private usage please do the following in Business Tax: Go to Edit in the top left-hand cornerCapital AllowancesA-…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS OpenPayslips

Publishing P60's via OpenPayslips - PAYE-Master

If you have an OpenPayslips account you can publish your P60's much the same way you would your payslips. Go…