Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2946 articles


PTP TR - HMRC Data Retrieval is not pulling through any figures

HMRC run through a reconciliation process to confirm all data held on their systems before releasing it.  This process takes a…


PTP TR - Why is there a field for SIC code in the Self Employment pages

The SIC code is not mandatory for Self Assessment and does not need to be completed at the present time. …


The following accounts are not showing 27- 36/1-50? (PL2 format)

Either remove alias PL1=PL2 (edit - report aliases) or Untick the abridgement selection for balance sheet within the data screens.…


PTP TR - 2 page Summary of return does not pull through Self Employment profit

The workaround would be to print the full version of the return rather than the summary. IMPORTANT NOTE: This issue has…


PTP TR - An error occurred when calling HMRC OAuth

This message means the authorisation token stored in the PTP database at the time of registering for the data retrieval service has…


IRIS Personal Tax

"File does not exist" when attaching a document to a Tax return

This issue is due to be resolved in 18.1.1 In the meantime, in order to get around this issue you…


IRIS Personal Tax

In the Tax Computation is not showing the Scottish Rate

To be able to show the Scottish Rate in the Tax Computation please do the following in Personal Tax: -…


IRIS GP Payroll

How to p45 a leaver

From the main screen click on "Note an Employee Leaver" Select the employee and record the leave date. Click "OK"…


IRIS P11D Organiser

Interest free loan is defaulting to 3% instead of 2.5% for 2018

This issue has been fixed inthe Service Pack. Please download Version 18.1.1 from the website.


IRIS Charity Formats, IRIS Accounts Production, IRIS Business Tax, IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Practice Management, IRIS Time and Fees, IRIS AutoMail, IRIS Company Formations, IRIS Company Secretarial, IRIS VAT Filer, IRIS Fixed Asset Register, IRIS SA700, IRIS Trust Tax

IAS-12755 : IRIS crashing when using the new 'Blue' client browser

We currently have this logged with the IRIS development team. In the meantime there is the workaround shown below which…