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2967 articles


IRIS Accounts Production, IRIS Accounts Production

Transition to FRS - empty restatement file created

Go to: 1. Posting 2. Select 3. select the empty restatement file and press OK 4. Continue on the message…


IRIS Accounts Production

How can I see the related party disclosure sub-folders 1-10?

1. Go to Edit 2. Data Screens 3. Old Legislation, etc folder 4. Notes to the Financial Statement 5. Other…


IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Business Tax, IRIS Trust Tax

Business/Personal/Trust: Tax User has reached License Package Limit or how to Unregister/Archive clients

Why unregister/archive client in IRIS Accountancy? You are no longer the accountant for your client (they have moved on etc).…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I print the lead schedule for my accounts?

1. Go to Reports on the top toolbar 2. Schedules 3. Choose output destination and press OK 4. Enter the…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

How and when a company's director would be exempt from automatic enrolment.

Please note: This information was provided by The Pensions Regulator If you don’t have any staff other than directors, you…


The new year end date must be within 4 days of the mean accounting end date

Go to Client | View | Tax tab and remove the Mean accounting date If having any further problems, delete…


IRIS Personal Tax

error code 8375 and message: there is an entry in slr1, please complete slrpt

To solve this please do the following in Personal Tax: - Reliefs - Miscellaneous - Tax Calculation - Students Loans…


Medium/Large Charity Cash Flow Statement not being generated (FRS 102)

1. Go to Edit / Data Screens / General Information / Size of Charitable Company and change the size to…


Income Statement being produced in FRS105 ABR report, but not in the contents.

Go to: Posting/Post file Maintenance/ Select the client and click Entries. Highlight the current year and Change the Accounting Standard…


IRIS Company Secretarial

How would I show a reduction of share capital on Company Secretarial?

1. Click on Edit 2. Share register 3. Transaction tab 4. New 5. Ad Hoc disposal 6. Fill in the…