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IRIS Business Tax Knowledge Base

182 articles


IRIS Business Tax

Changes made in Accounts Production have not been reflected on the Tax Return.

Open Business Tax | Trades | Partnerships | Overwrite/ Leave Alone | Set to Yes Overwrite WARNING: This is generally…


IRIS Business Tax

How to enter property investment income

Users are required to: Manually enter the investment income through business tax by competing the following: - Edit | Posting…


IRIS Business Tax

Warning message appears if Legacy Data hasn't been allocated to Multiple Trade

Users are required to Select:- Edit | Posting | Allocate the postings to a specific trade otherwise they will not…


IRIS Business Tax

Currency conversion available for Yen and Swiss Franc

The following currencies are as follows: UK Pound (£) US Dollar ($) The Euro (€) Yens (¥) Swiss Franc (Fr)…


IRIS Business Tax

How to suppress the capital allowance addition warning in Business Tax?

For limited companies, select Edit | Corporation Tax Computation Options and tick the box 'Suppress Capital Allowance Addition Warning.' For…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax crashes when generating reports or the electronic tax return

This can be caused by a hyphen (-) in the Client Identifier. To resolve this, do one of the following:-…


IRIS Business Tax

Not able to print off a short CT600 due to entry in box 123

As there is no box 123 on the short CT600 a full CT600 must now be generated. The reason that…


IRIS Business Tax

How can wear and tear allowance be entered?

Users are required to: 1. Log on to IRIS Business Tax and select the client 2. From the Edit menu…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax- Screens are greyed out after entering Multiple Trades

WARNING: If you set up multiple trades for a client, it cannot be reversed/removed i.e there is no option to…


IRIS Business Tax

Companies where only Interest Received is to be taxed

1. Log on to IRIS Business Tax and select the client 2. Edit | Corporation Tax Computation Options | Suppress…