Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2978 articles


.NET 4.6 - From October 2017 IRIS will require .NET 4.6. to continue to work.

You will need to download and install this version ahead of the October update. Microsoft .NET 4.6 can be downloaded…


IRIS Personal Tax

Personal Tax- HMRC Data retrieval 'Invalid_Grant' or 'Invalid_Client ID or secret'

NOTE: There has been cases where this error log also states the user ID is invalid, our Development team has…


iXBRL Editor - The document author has not been recognised

This is usually because the previous period end for the current year post file is incorrect. To correct this, go…


IRIS Business Tax

When generating a Personal Tax return Iris is crashing

In order to prevent this happening, when right clicking on a folder on personal tax on the left hand side…


How to change your customer reference number and enter new licence details

To update your system please follow the instructions below. You will need to remove your existing licences first 1. To…


IRIS Personal Tax

Pension not appearing on the computation

To resolve this please do the following in Personal Tax: -Go to set up at the top of the screen…


IRIS Business Tax

I have made entries on the partnership return but the information is not saving.

To resolve this problem, could you please do the following: - -Go to Business Tax -Go to Trades at the…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax - Validation loss carry cannot exceed 0.00

To resolve this please do the following in Business Tax: - Click on Client - Click on View - Remove…


IRIS Accounts Production

How can I get the FRS transition dialog box to appear in A/P dates?

1. If you have entered in the correct A/P date within the Business Client Maintenance screen and the ‘comparatives’ dialog…


Intangible Asset Useful Life

After entering the Fixed Asset Depreciation Policies (can be found under Edit), users can enter the estimated useful life in…