Knowledge Base Articles

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2978 articles


IRIS Business Tax

I have entered my profit figure into update profits, but this has doubled/increa

When entering a new profit figure into edit | update profits, please remember to select zero values first, so that…


IRIS Business Tax

When I go to the client it says the previous year end date is invalid.

The reason this message is appearing is because yo a valid previous end date or a commencement date has not…


IRIS Personal Tax

MTD API Platform Downtime 13th September

HMRC have advised their digital data retrieval service will be unavailable between 7am and 8am on Wednesday 13th September 2017.…


IRIS OpenSpace

Not all lines are appearing when viewing reports in Openspace

Once the document has been clicked on and appears at the bottom of the screen, then right click the document…


Polling Reminder email from Companies House

Specific individual accounts submitted to Companies House electronically can have their status verified by going to: Posting | Posting Entry…


IRIS Business Tax

When running a bring forward within Business tax there is an error message

Please could you do the following to resolve your issue: -• Go to Business Tax for this client• Go to…


How do I see which clients are using up licences in Accounts Production?

Within Accounts Production - Please go to - Setup - Account Charts - Select the Required Chart - Clients using…


IRIS Business Tax

How do I enter notes on the CT600

HMRC have removed the addition information section on the Version 3 of the CT600. However, you can enter notes on…


IRIS Personal Tax

Non domicile error message when accessing the residence questionnaire

To remove this error message can you please open the residence questionnaire and select delete at the bottom of the…


IRIS Personal Tax

Mortgage Interest rules in Personal Tax

1. Select the 2018 year 2. Go to UK land and property 3. UK property income 4. Expenses 5. New…