Knowledge Base Articles

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2978 articles


IRIS Time and Fees

Closing Time/Fees periods

It is only possible to change the status of a Time/Fees period in the following ways: 1. If you make…


IRIS Personal Tax

How to remove message regarding to domicile

To remove the message please do the following in Personal Tax: - Reliefs tab - Miscellaneous - Residence Questionnaire -…


IRIS Time and Fees

A date that you have entered lies beyind your defined time periods

This message means that dates on the new timesheet don't fall entirely within your Time periods. If you want to…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Do I have to contribute to my workers’ pension?

As an employer you must contribute to the pension of your Eligible Jobholders and any Non-eligible Jobholders who opt in.…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie

Error 3024 - Couldn't find file E32-SYS.MDB

The file E32-SYS.MDB is missing for the payroll program file. First, make sure the file is present. Right click on…


IRIS Practice Management

Datamine for Gross Income on Land and Property

The three fields mentioned below will be available to datamine within the 17.2 update of Iris Accountancy Suite. This is…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll

You cannot install this product to the folder selected.

 The file "Intex.drv" in the installation folder is causing this error. Open the installation folder (Right click on the payroll…


IRIS Practice Management

Timesheet Time postings tab not showing in PM

The timesheet time posting tab is only available if users are using 'Grid timesheet screens'. Please see the steps below…


IRIS Practice Management

How to change Client Partner or Client Manager in bulk

Please follow these steps to change Client Manager or Client Partner in bulk: 1. Open Practice Management 2. Select Launch…


IRIS Personal Tax

How do I turn off HMRC Data Retrieval

To turn off this function please do the following in Personal Tax; - Setup - Retrieve HMRC Data Practice Options…