Knowledge Base Articles

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2975 articles


Business Tax- If the type of company is 0 then an applicable tax rate from one of [FULL RATE OF CT], [SMALL CO RATE OF CT], [EQUIV. LOW CT RATE], [FULL RF RATE OF CT], [RF SMALL CO RATE OF CT] or [CT RATE FOR NI TRADING PROFITS] must be used for the second financial year

The warning may also state '(UK trading or professional service)' This is a known HMRC issue causing this error and…


Personal Tax- Expense types for UK Land and Property appear in Schedules Of Data?

When you have multiple expense types for a UK property and you run the 'Schedules of data' report - these…


PTP TR - Incorrect calculation of Class 4 NIC for the 2023-24 tax year

If profits exceed the Upper Profits Limit of £50270 for the 2023-24 tax year, an incorrect rate of 2.73% is…


VAT Filer- How to submit your own companies VAT return?

There are two pathways for you to choose - please read both before proceeding: 1.If you ONLY submit your own…


Openspace- OpenSpace Document Storage: An error occurred while trying to process your request for IRIS OS

If you get this storage error showing when trying to upload to OpenSpace from IRIS Accountancy Suite. This is where…


Trust Tax- Disposal of Property Capital gain and Tax already paid/charged

1.Load the Trust and and relevant tax year 2. Edit and Capital Assets 3. Assets and create the property asset…


Personal Tax- E-checklist generate 'Error generating XML document'

When you try and generate a E-checklist for a client and get this warning Follow these steps below to rectify…


Personal Tax- UK Property and Rent-a-room scheme relief

Log into Iris Personal Tax and select the client and year Click on UK Land and Property | Property Income…


Personal Tax- Capital Gain disposal but no CG pages are produced

1.Load the client and relevant year 2. Dividends and Capital assets 3. Edit and Losses and other information 4. Tick…


PTP - How to Update PTP TaxExpense

This guide will show you how to update PTP TaxExpense to the latest version. Please follow the instructions below. 1.…