Knowledge Base Articles

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2978 articles


IRIS Trust Tax

Iwintrus.exe has stopped working

Click Start - All programs > Accessories > Run Type in "regedit" and click OK Go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Transaction Technology\Trust Tax"…


IRIS Earnie IQ

Error 1316 when installing Earnie IQ

You will need to clean up the installation information, use the utility provided by Microsoft: Click Here


Earnie, IRIS Payroll Professional

You have chosen too many employees in the Selection Criteria

You will need to run the Null Killer utility from the Admin mode of the software When you start the…


IRIS GP Accounts

DBISAM #8961 or #9862 Corrupt Table Header Error

The error is normally easily corrected by running the Emergency Repair option as below: If you can get into the…


IRIS Accounts Production

FRS 102 - Statement of Income and Retained Earnings

FRS 102 6.4 permits the inclusion of a single statement of income and retained earning where the only changes in…


IRIS Accounts Production

Incorporated Charity Exception, postings to goodwill, reversal of impairment 502

Updated fix to be included within Accounts Production Version 17.2.0


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I show the average number of employees disclosure to show "NIL"

This will be included within Accounts Production Version 17.3.0 Edit | Data Screens | Notes to Financial Statements - required…


IRIS Accounts Production

How to included dividend paid and/or reserves b/f within FRS 102 Income Statemet

Previously under UK GAAP, we included the ability to show Dividend Paid and/or Reserves brought forward as part of the…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Run time error 53: File not found OR default browser could not be detected when trying to open guides/links from the software

To prevent this error you will need to alter a Windows setting so payroll can correctly use your web browser.…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Can I assign a nominal code to Apprenticeship Levy for posting on journal file?

Unfortunately, this isn't possible. The reason for this is that the App Levy is calculated using Pay Bill Year To Date…