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IRIS Business Tax Knowledge Base

182 articles


IRIS Business Tax

Number of associated companies used in each financial year

The number of associated companies used in the corporation tax computation and the CT600 will only be different in the…


IRIS Business Tax

How do I enter private use on an individual asset?

The Capital Allowances option operates in the same way for a Sole Trade and Partnership as it does for Limited…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax- Changing a Sole trader to a partnership

Client | View - Change the business type to a Partnership Client | View | Related | Involvements. Enter relevant…


IRIS Business Tax

Do other CT600 attachments need to be converted to iXBRL?

No, it will still be possible to include these documents as PDF's as you do now.


IRIS Business Tax

Is it possible to write off the balance on a small pool?

Users are required to: 1. Log into Business Tax and select the client. 2. From the Edit | Capital Allowances.…


IRIS Business Tax

How many Business Tax licences have been used?

To get a clearer idea of how many licences are being used in Business Tax, please follow the below steps:…


IRIS Business Tax

How to suppress profits from the trade on the Corporation Tax computation?

Users are required to: 1. Log on to IRIS Business Tax and select the client 2. From the Edit menu…


IRIS Business Tax

There is a rounding difference on the carry forward value of the general pool

Users may wish to amend the pool brought forward value for a number of reasons: 1. In situations where the…


IRIS Business Tax

iXBRL Corporation Tax Computation not shown in landscape layout

By default IRIS Business Tax will produce an iXBRL Corporation Tax Computation with a portrait page orientation initially. This is…


IRIS Business Tax

Error 9202 - Cannot file an amendment after allowable due date

Users will be required to submit the return by post as it is ourtside the window for filing online