Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2977 articles


PTP TP - S2024.mdb is not a valid path

If the 2024 folder is missing altogether, it may be downloaded from the following link  The folder needs to…


IRIS Business Tax

Business Tax- Invalid ixbrl (comp) attached does match CT600 submission, company name period start date period end date company?

This can be related to two parts: 1)The IXBRL generated from AP and/or 2) The Tax comp generated in Business…


IRIS Accountancy- Tolley Tax queries

The Tolley tax is run by a 3rd party software - do directly contact Tolley tax support or email 2024…


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS GP Payroll

Error type: 2147 IRIS GP Payroll

The majority of installation/update issues are resolved by running the installer while logged in as the PC’s local administrator account…


VAT Filer- Tax period not ended

When you try and submit a VAT return for a selected period but you get 'Tax period not ended'. 1.You…


DOCS- Deleting documents from DOCs which are pending approval in Openspace

When attempting to delete a document from Docs which has been sent for approval in OpenSpace, this message appears: “The…


Business Tax- Claim Terminal loss relief?

To resolve this you will need to do the following;1.Load the client and the period where the loss is showing…


Business Tax- Where to enter CIR (Corporate Interest Restriction)

CIR (Corporate Interest Restriction) is not available in the BT or PT software, this HMRC link below has the instructions…


Business Tax- Surrender maximum the maximum available for surrender as group relief (Box 850/855)

Note: Box 850 is linked to Excess Management Expenses and 855 is linked to Excess surrender as group relief This…


IRIS Personal Tax

Personal Tax - Basis Period Reforms and Transitional profits 2023/2024 onwards

UPDATE JULY/AUGUST 2024: We have released the IRIS version and also 24.2.0 to cater for this, please update to…