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IRIS Business Tax Knowledge Base

182 articles


IRIS Business Tax

Does the 64-8 need to be in place before returns can be submited online?

As per guidance from the HMRC: - Registered agents would NOT need a 64-8 in place if using IRIS software.…


IRIS Business Tax

How does Iris deal with the Annual Investment Allowance

Iris deals with AIA in different ways depending on whether the Asset is a pooled asset or an individual asset…


IRIS Business Tax

Error 5015 in known facts check

The submission for the user and tax year has already been successfully made. In order for the return to be…


IRIS Business Tax

Interest received for a partnership

Users are required to: 1. Log on to Business Tax and select the client. 2. From the Trades menu, select…


IRIS Business Tax

Schedule D Case III Deficits (Loan relationships)

DIII losses may be used against any other income in that same period: - This loss is to be entered…


IRIS Business Tax

Schedule DV Losses

Sch. DV losses can only be relieved against Sch. DV profits from the same trade or property: - This loss…


IRIS Business Tax

What are the types of charges and how can they be utilised?

Types: 1. Trade royalties, etc which are incurred as a necessary part of the trade. 2. Non trade, charitable donations…


IRIS Business Tax

Schedule DVI Losses

Sch. DVI losses can only be utilised against other Sch. DVI profits of that or any subsequent accounting periods: -…


IRIS Business Tax

Management Expenses

Management expenses can be utilised against the total profits of the company: - These expenses are to be entered into…


IRIS Business Tax

Schedule D Case I Losses

Sch. DI losses arising in the current period can be utilised against total profits of the period: - These losses…