Knowledge Base Articles

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2978 articles


Unable to install SQL attempted to perform an unauthorized operation

Uninstall bullguard completely, then install SQL server. Once SQL is installed, feel free to reinstall bullguard. If you need any…


Earnie, IRIS Payroll Professional

EPS error - "No Payment Date To must be before the current date"

This will occur if you are trying to submit an EPS and declaring "No employee's paid (no tax or NIC…


IRIS P11D Organiser

Printing icons are greyed out down the right hand side

The software hasn’t been licensed and it's still the trial version.   You need to enter the relevant licence details…


The company pane is showing the company file in grey.

This means that the data file has been moved from the location that Bookkeeping thinks it should be in.  Go…


IRIS Payroll Professional

EPS error - "No Payment Date To must be before the current date"

This will occur if you are trying to submit an EPS and declaring "No employee's paid (no tax or NIC…


IRIS GP Payroll

EPS error - "No Payment Date To must be before the current date"

This will occur if you are trying to submit an EPS and declaring "No employee's paid (no tax or NIC…


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ

Leavers not showing on FPS

If the employee is unpaid but marked as a leaver (ie. Last pay was in previous tax year) they will…


IRIS Personal Tax

The first £5000 on savings is being taxed at 0% why.

The first £5,000 of savings being taxed at 0% was brought in on the 6th April 2015 and therefore the…


PTP TR - Losses brought forward do not appear to have been deducted in the Tax Calculation Summary

Previously in the calculation,  losses b/f were automatically offset against the profit and only the net profit would show on…


PTP TR - Entering Class 1 NIC and Class 2 NIC and the impact on Class 4 NIC

To make entries relating to Class 1 amounts please do the following within PTP Tax Platform: - Click on the…