Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2978 articles


IRIS GP Payroll

Warning about employee's total annual rate of pensionable pay when completing SD55 online

The England/Wales NHS Pension Agency website uses a different method of assessing this figure. It is not a critical figure.…


IRIS Company Secretarial

Why am I receiving "Error Code 1001 ", when trying to IMPORT business details?

We are currently working with Companies House to resolve this matter. In the meantime users can import their details in…


PTP CT - HMRC Rejection 3318

Error code 3318The period to which this Returns Accounts applies does not coincide with the effective from/to dates of the…


Database 'msdb' cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery

Open the Run dialog, (Windows + R keys). Type services.msc and press Enter. Locate SQL Server (IRISPRACTICE) and select Stop.…


IRIS Company Secretarial

Why do I receive an exception message when generating the SH01 Form?

This issue has been fixed on Version 16.3.1 which is currently available to download from our website. Users have the…


IRIS Time and Fees

How to export Time & Fee reports to excel

From 16.3 of IRIS Accountancy Suite users can export time & Fee reports to excel. To do ths please refer…


Login Time Out Expired – One Workstation

First you will need to test to see whether or not your antivirus software is stalling connection from your workstation,…


IRIS Charity Formats

What Charities SORP can I apply for periods starting on or after 1 January 2016?

When preparing a charity's financial statements on an accruals basis a decision must be made as to which SORP to…


IRIS Accounts Production

What accounting standards can I apply to Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)?

It is possible to generate accounts for LLPs applying FRS 102, FRS 102 Section 1A and FRS 105. These standards…


IRIS Company Secretarial

CS01 – Rejection notice: Company does not have a principal business activity

The rejection will occur if there is no SIC code on record at Companies House. This should only affect companies…