Knowledge Base Articles

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Knowledge Base

2946 articles


IRIS Remote Payroll Entry

Remote Payroll Entry - How can I send the timesheet if the remote user cannot access the cloud?

Export to File To create the timesheet and save it without it being sent to the cloud, click Export to…


Change authentication mode from Windows Registry

The SQL Server authentication mode can be changed via the Windows Registry. Here is how. • Open the Registry Editor…


IRIS Personal Tax

Can users access e-checklists on iPhones?

Unfortunately, this is an apple restriction. E-Checklists are not available in the mobile device view. All clients would need to…


iwinpasl.exe - bad image C:windowssystem32MSVCR120.dll

Locate Microsoft Visual C++2015 redist in Programs and Features. Double click and select the Repair option or Reinstall from here.…


Internal exception occurred : IRIS OM Error:

You may need to run the Workstation Setup Click for a guide to installing the IRIS Workstation here You may…


Returns are showing as pending in the Transmit Internet Return Screen

Please be aware that the HMRC had a problem last week accepting any returns that were generated. To resolve any…



Error when logging CS01 form to IRIS Docs

Please refer to the steps below to help resolve this issue: Sign into IRIS as the master user Open System…


IRIS Company Secretarial

IMPORTANT: Companies House Error message 9999 /8023 /CS01 Rejection

Please note if you receive any of the following error messages, they will have occurred due to the following reasons:…


IRIS Company Secretarial

Why is the CS01 Form not producing the Continuation pages on Part 4 Section D1?

Please ignore the error message as you will be will be able to produce the CS01 form. However, some information…


How to configure the Windows Firewall for PTP Tax Expense on Windows 7 or higher

1. Press your 'Windows' Key and then the 'R' Key 2. Type Firewall.cpl and press enter 3. Click Advanced Settings.…