Knowledge Base Articles

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2978 articles


IRIS Business Tax

period start in the iXBRL does not match the ct600

The date setting on the computer is set to the US date setting therefore the ixbrl computation date is tagged…


IRIS Company Secretarial

Persons with Significant Control (PSC)& Confirmation Statement replaces AR01

April 2016 release includes: Creation and generation of a Persons of Significant Control (PSC) register - very similar to the…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I show movements in the p&l reserve on the face of p&l (inc dividends)

For companies with years beginning on or after the 6th April 2008 the reserves movements including dividends no longer need…


IRIS Accounts Production

Where do I post Governance costs when applying SORP 2015?

The heading ‘Governance costs’ no longer appears separately on the Statement of Financial Activities (SoFA), instead Governance costs are included…


IRIS Accounts Production

Who do I contact if I have a technical query with FRS 102(1A), 101,105, or IFRS?

If your query relates to a specific FRS 102 (inc. 1a), FRS 101, FRS 105 or IFRS question please contact…


IRIS Accounts Production

Why is Statement of Changes in Equity referring to shares issued instead of b/fw

As the year before last/comparative has not been transitioned to FRS 102, some extra information is required to confirm the…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I apply the Charities SORP 2015 (FRS 102/FRSSE)?

For accounting periods starting on or after 1st January 2015 all charities are required to adopt SORP 2015 e.g. Charities…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I adopt FRS 102 Section 1A Small Entities?

When creating a post file, select Posting | New | set the ‘Accounting Standard’ as FRS 102 and use the…


IRIS Earnie IQ

Error Number: 11 Description: Division by zero

This error occurs when Earnie IQ is trying to calculate AE pension contributions for an employee that is receiving zero…


IRIS Accounts Production

How do I adopt the micro entities FRS 105 regime within Accounts Production?

The FRS 105 regime has now been included within Accounts Production since April 2016. When creating a post file, select…